Best 10 Wash Basin Mirror Design Ideas


Are you looking to revamp your bathroom or simply enhance its aesthetics? One of the most versatile and visually impactful elements you can incorporate is a stylish wash basin mirror. In this article, we’ll explore the best 10 wash basin mirror design ideas to help you transform your bathroom into a haven of luxury and functionality.

The Importance of Wash Basin Mirrors

Wash basin mirror design is not just functional; they are also essential in elevating the overall decor of your bathroom. These mirrors serve a dual purpose, allowing you to check your reflection while adding depth and brightness to the space. and also wash basin mirror light gives additional charm.

Top 10 Wash Basin Mirror Design

1. SDG Frameless Oval Wall Mount Bathroom Mirror

SDG FRameless wash basin mirror design

Product Description:

  • Brand: SDG
  • Price: Rs 1301
  • Shape: Oval
  • Product Dimensions: 61L x 45.7W cm
  • Special Feature: Corrosion Resistant, Durable, Frameless
  • Rating: 4.3/5

2. JOZIBA Decorative Glass Led Bathroom Round Mirror

JOZIBA Decorative wash basin mirror design

Product Description:

  • Brand: JOZIBA
  • Price: Rs 4700
  • Shape: Round
  • Product Dimensions: 61L x 61W cm
  • Special Feature: Lighted, Touch Sensor
  • Rating: 4.1/5

3. Furnish Craft Designer Gold Leaf Framed Round Mirror

Furnish Craft wash basin mirror design

Product Description:

  • Brand: Furnish Craft
  • Price: Rs 1499
  • Shape: Round
  • Product Dimensions: 61L x 61W cm
  • Special Feature: 362 Degree, Unbreakable, Rustproof, Lightweight, Shatterproof
  • Rating: 4.5/5

4. ABOUT SPACE Antique Wall Mirror

ABOUT SPACE wash basin mirror design

Product Description:

  • Brand: About Space
  • Price: Rs 2119
  • Shape: Oval
  • Product Dimensions: 64L x 46W cm
  • Special Feature: Sturdy
  • Rating: 4.0/5

5. Khushi Decors LED Mirror

Khushi Decors wash basin mirror design

Product Description:

  • Brand: Khushi Decors
  • Price: Rs 2998
  • Shape: Round
  • Product Dimensions: 21L x 21W cm
  • Special Feature: Lightweight, Full Length, Lighted, Touch Sensor, Beveled
  • Rating: 4.0/5

6. Quality Glass Rectangular Frameless Wall Mount Mirror

Quality Glass wash basin mirror design

Product Description:

  • Brand: Quality Glass
  • Price: Rs 1499
  • Shape: Rectangular
  • Product Dimensions: 61L x 45.7W cm
  • Rating: 4.1/5

7. Parasnath White New Look Bathroom Cabinet with Mirror

Parasnath wash basin mirror design

Product Description:

  • Brand: PARASNATH
  • Price: Rs 1274
  • Shape: Rectangle
  • Product Dimensions: 12.7D x 34.3W x 54.6H cm
  • Special Feature: Portable, Lightweight
  • Rating: 4.1/5

8. Plantex Bathroom Mirror Design with Cabinet

Plantex wash basin bathroom mirror design

Product Description:

  • Brand: Plantex
  • Price: Rs 3569
  • Shape: Rectangle
  • Product Dimensions: 13D x 30W x 46H cm
  • Material: Stainless Steel
  • Rating: 4.3/5

9. Creation India Craft Handmade Wall Mounted Mirror

Creation India Craft wash basin mirror design

Product Description:

  • Brand: Creation India Craft
  • Price: Rs 2138
  • Shape: Round
  • Product Dimensions: 45.5L x 45.5W cm
  • Special Feature: Full Length
  • Rating: 4.2/5

10. Timberly Wooden Handcrafted Mirror

Timberly Wooden washbasin mirror design

Product Description:

  • Brand: Timberly
  • Price: Rs 1750
  • Shape: Rectangular
  • Product Dimensions: 61L x 45.7W cm
  • Special Feature: Lightweight
  • Rating: 4.2/5

Placement and Installation Tips

  1. Height Matters: When positioning your washbasin mirror, ensure that it’s at an appropriate height. Ideally, the mirror should be hung at eye level for the average person. This ensures that it’s easy to use and provides a clear reflection.
  2. Center It: Center the mirror above the wash basin. This not only creates a balanced look but also ensures that the mirror is conveniently placed for daily use.
  3. Consider the Wall Space: Take into account the available wall space. If you have a large wall above the wash basin, you can opt for a larger mirror in bathroom mirror design. In smaller bathrooms, a more compact mirror may be suitable.
  4. Multiple Mirrors: In larger bathrooms with double wash basins, you can either install two separate mirrors for each basin or a single, larger mirror that spans the width of both. The choice depends on your design preference and available space.
  5. Frame or Frameless: The choice of a framed or frameless mirror can influence the installation method. Frameless mirrors are often hung directly on the wall with clips, while framed mirrors may require a different hanging system.
  6. Consider Lighting: If your mirror is not equipped with built-in lighting, ensure that it’s placed in a way that allows for proper illumination. Wall sconces on either side of the mirror or above it can provide even lighting for a clear reflection.
  7. Pre-Mark for Accuracy: Before installing the mirror, use a level and a pencil to mark the exact placement. This helps ensure that the mirror hangs straight and at the desired height.
  8. Use Wall Anchors: Depending on the mirror’s weight, you may need to use wall anchors to secure it in place. Wall anchors provide extra support and prevent the mirror from falling or tilting.
  9. Professional Installation: For larger or heavier mirrors, or if you are unsure about the installation process, it’s advisable to seek professional installation services. Experts can ensure that the mirror is safely and securely mounted.
  10. Consider Reflection: Be mindful of what the mirror reflects. Ideally, it should reflect something visually appealing, such as a decorative wall or a beautiful feature in the bathroom. Avoid positioning it to reflect cluttered or unattractive areas.
  11. Regular Inspection: Periodically inspect the mirror’s installation to ensure it remains secure and in the correct position. Over time, changes in humidity and temperature can affect the mounting.

Maintenance and Cleaning Tips

  1. Gentle Cleaners: When it comes to cleaning your wash basin mirror, always use mild and non-abrasive cleaners. Avoid harsh chemicals or abrasive substances as they can damage the mirror’s surface and frame.
  2. Microfiber Cloth: Opt for a microfiber cloth or a soft, lint-free cloth to clean the mirror. These materials are gentle and won’t leave streaks or lint behind.
  3. Warm Water: If your mirror only has a light layer of dust or dirt, start by using a soft cloth and warm water. Dampen the cloth with warm water and gently wipe the mirror’s surface. Follow up with a dry cloth to prevent streaks.
  4. Vinegar and Water Solution: For stubborn spots or smudges, mix equal parts of water and white vinegar in a spray bottle. Spray the solution lightly on the mirror’s surface and wipe it off with a clean cloth. The vinegar helps dissolve grease and leaves the mirror streak-free.
  5. Avoid Excessive Moisture: Be cautious when using water or cleaning solutions near the mirror’s frame. Excessive moisture can seep behind the frame and damage the backing of the mirror. Always apply cleaning solutions directly to the cloth rather than spraying them directly on the mirror.
  6. Prevent Water Spots: In bathroom mirror design with hard water, it’s common for water spots to form on mirrors. To prevent this, you can wipe the mirror with a dry cloth after each use to remove any water droplets. This will help maintain a spotless appearance.
  7. Regular Cleaning: Make it a habit to clean your washbasin mirror regularly. Dust and moisture can accumulate over time, and regular cleaning will prevent the need for more extensive cleaning later on. It also require to regular cleaning in washing machine and rexine sofa
  8. Frame Care: If your mirror has a frame, clean it with a gentle cleaner that’s suitable for the frame’s material (e.g., wood, metal, or plastic). Ensure that you dry the frame thoroughly to prevent damage.
  9. Avoid Harsh Scrubbing: Refrain from using abrasive pads or scrubbers on the mirror’s surface. Scrubbing too hard can scratch the glass and compromise its reflective quality.
  10. Inspect for Damage: Periodically inspect your mirror for any signs of damage, such as chipping or cracks. If you notice any issues, address them promptly to prevent further damage or potential safety hazards.
  11. Ventilation: Adequate bathroom ventilation is essential. Proper ventilation helps reduce moisture buildup, which can lead to mold growth or damage to the mirror over time.


In the quest to create a bathroom that is not only functional but also an oasis of style and sophistication, the choice of a wash basin mirror plays a pivotal role. After exploring the best 10 wash basin mirror design ideas, it’s evident that the world of mirrors offers a plethora of options to cater to your unique taste and needs.

From the classic allure of traditional framed black mirror with storage cabinet to the sleek and contemporary elegance of frameless designs, there’s a mirror for every bathroom. The size, shape, and style you select can transform your space, making it more visually appealing and functional.


1. Are washbasin mirrors only for checking one’s appearance?

Wash basin mirror design serve a dual purpose. They are functional for checking your reflection and also enhance the aesthetics of your bathroom.

2. How can I choose the right mirror for a small bathroom?

For small spaces, opt for mirrors with slim frames and a large reflective surface to visually expand the space.

3. What is the advantage of eco-friendly mirror designs?

Eco-friendly mirror designs are made from sustainable materials and often feature energy-efficient lighting options, contributing to a greener environment.

4. Do frameless mirrors work well with traditional bathroom designs?

Frameless mirrors can work with traditional designs if you want to create a blend of classic and modern elements in your bathroom.

5. How can I maintain the cleanliness of my wash basin mirror?

To keep your mirror looking its best, use mild cleaners, avoid abrasive materials, and clean it regularly to prevent smudges and streaks.

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